14 things you didn't know about strawberries

There is nothing like the first detection of the sweet season ripe strawberries in your local farmer's market. This year, the warm weather arrives slowly in some parts of the country...

The health benefits of eating Apple

Apples contain a long list of phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and support heart health this way. Included in this list are quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid...

A funny way to stay healthy

We all know that eating well is a sure shot way to stay healthy, but how many of us actually follow this? Feeling strong, feeling healthy...

How can soda lead children to be agressive

Soda has become an integral part of American culture. It is reported that the average American begins drinking soda 2-3 years...

Tips for skin care

Have no time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics skin care. It can be a good skin care and healthy lifestyle help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems...

The health benefits of Apples

Apples have alot of benefits for the heart!

Apples contain a long list of phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and support heart health this way. Included in this list are quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid. To take full advantage of the antioxidants in apples, it is important to include the skins. Since the skins are also more exposed to the outside world, we always recommend buying organically grown apples to minimize exposure of the skin of the apple spraying unwanted pesticides and other potential contaminants.

You will have about 4 grams of dietary fiber in half Apple 5 ounces, or about 15% of the daily value (DV) for fiber. Included in this total insoluble fiber (such as cellulose) and soluble fiber (pectin as). Studies have shown that both types of fiber can help keep LDL cholesterol levels under control, and if you have a LDL cholesterol are too high, can help reduce. In some studies, it was found that only two ounces of apple a day (less than half a medium-sized apple) to be useful.

  This amount means you only need to eat a medium sized apple three days a week to fit in the same category of heart benefits.
With antioxidants and fiber, flavonoids are a third reason to put the apples in a heart support system. You get large amounts of flavonoids in the skin and pulp of the apples. Flavonoids have been repeatedly shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease and to improve the problems of heart disease, once it has occurred.

Protection against cancer

Reduced risk of lung cancer in women, for example, has been associated with the daily consumption of apples and apples were the only fruit that has a lot of benefits and showed specific association of lung cancer charity. Instead of a large collection of laboratory and animal studies, there is good reason to believe that apples can be helpful in reducing the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer as well, even if it will be a series of studies in humans to see if these benefits are to people and in what circumstances.

Lung Health

Apples have been prominent among the other fruits when it comes to the general support of lung function and lung health. The only apple flavonoids - including phloridzin - are thought to potentially play a key role in the special ability of apples to support lung health.
For more detailed information on health benefits and history of the apple, visit the world's healthiest foods, information


The recipe below is my Southern Living cookbook, published in 1987. I have no idea if this is the latest version or not. What I like about this dish is how the "cake". It cooks naturally in the form of bread, a "vessel" for the edible apple mixture.

German Apple "Pancake"

2 eggs

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup milk

1 tablespoon butter

3/4 cup brown sugar [I use much less than]

1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup melted butter

4 cups peeled and sliced ​​apples

Mix eggs, flour, salt and 1/2 cup of milk and whisk until smooth. Heat a ovenproof nonstick 10-inch skillet [I use cast iron] 450 for 5 minutes or until hot. Add 1 tablespoon butter, stirring to coat the pan and pour the batter. Bake at 450 for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake 10 minutes or until golden.
Mix sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan and add 1/2 cup milk and 1/4 cup melted butter. Cook over medium heat until thickened. Lower the heat and add the apples and cook until tender. Pour half of the pancake mix. Cut into pieces and serve with remaining potato mixture. Yield: 4-6 servings.

The health benefits of Carrots

While most root vegetables are rich in nutrients, carrots provide many vitamins such as A, C, K and B as well as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. In terms of raw power, they are a source of dietary fiber, which not only supports weight management, but digestive health as well. Carrots can be eaten fresh, juiced or shredded for the best health benefits with only 52 calories per 1 cup chopped. They are ideal as a snack or part of salad.

Since carrots are rich in vitamin A, carrots support bone development, reproduction, vision, especially night vision, and the ability of the body to convert into body cells and / or tissues of organs. His vitamins A and C are called antioxidants and help the body to fight against diseases such as cardiovascular or cancer, and most infections.

Its B vitamins support energy production in the body, physical and mental development as well as the strength of the immune system and metabolism in general growth. Vitamin K, of course, promotes the growth and development of cells with blood clotting. The heart support phosphorus and magnesium, muscle and cognitive function.

Since carrots are rich in health benefits especially in both dietary fiber and water, they have the diet of raw foods greatly to maintain a healthy digestive system and help keep us fuller for longer between meals. Their naturally sweet flavor does not interfere with any diet or raw sugar levels in the blood, but will help you feel full and satisfy cravings for things like crackers or chips.

Carrots are crisp and add texture to any dish they are added. Calories in raw carrot are minimal and there is no fat. Grated raw carrots and / or chopped carrot leaves are a brilliant addition to salads with other raw foods such as beets and apples food. Similarly, when freshly juiced and combined with soy, zucchini or almond milk and a banana make it a nutritious smoothie.

Los weight in just 3 simple steps (Video)

14 things you didn't know about Strawberries !!

There is nothing like the first detection of the sweet season ripe strawberries in your local farmer's market. This year, the warm weather arrives slowly in some parts of the country, which means that strawberries might still be green. But the color should not stop you buying: Strawberries are green hot pie. Chefs use fresh, ripe strawberries and vinegar in everything from salads, cakes. If you prefer your red and juicy fruit, it is likely that in the majority. However, you like them, we bet strawberry knowledge has not been run this deep - to date:

  1. Strawberries are the only fruit that carry their seeds on the outside. The average Bay is decorated with about 200 of them. No wonder it only takes one bite to get seeds stuck in your teeth.
  2. Strawberries are not real fruit such as blueberries or grapes. Technically, a bay is within its seeds. And to be technical über each strawberry seed is considered by botanists as a separate fruit. Whoa, meta!
  3. Strawberries are members of the Rosaceae family. In case you come to a bush growth, see: smell as good as they taste.
  4. Strawberry is a perennial. This means that if you plant now, will be back next year and the next and the year after. You can not bear fruit immediately, but once you do, it will remain productive for about five years.
  5. Americans consume an average of three books-and-a-half of fresh strawberries each year. It is about five pounds if you count frozen. In one study, more than half of the nine-year-old picked strawberries as their favorite fruit. They are gentle in nature!
  6. Belgium has a museum dedicated to strawberries. In the gift shop at the Museum of Strawberry (Strawberry Museum), you can buy everything from strawberry jam to strawberry beer.
  7. Native Americans ate strawberries long before European settlers arrived. As a first result of the spring, which were delicious, freshly picked and cooked cornbread.
  8. The Romans thought strawberries medicinal properties. They use it to treat everything from depression to fever fainting, kidney stones, bad breath and sore throat
  9. Sex and strawberries? In France, where it is considered an aphrodisiac, strawberries served to newlyweds in the traditional wedding breakfast sweet soup as creamy.
  10. Strawberries are supposed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins C, B6, K, fiber, folic acid, potassium and amino acids.
  11. Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate. This has been shown to increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. Research suggests that people who charge on strawberries before exercise have more resistance and burn more calories.
  12. California produces 80% of the strawberries in the U.S. They grow about 2 million pounds of fruit in the shape of heart a year. All U.S. states and every province in Canada grows your account.
  13. To store fresh strawberries, wash and cut the stem off. However, if you keep in the refrigerator for a few days to wait before eating clean. Rinse accelerates deterioration.
  14. Strawberries also be pickled. Especially when picked green or immature. If the fruits are ripe, make jam!
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A funny way to stay healthy

We all know that eating well is a sure shot way to stay healthy, but how many of us actually follow this? Feeling strong, feeling healthy, hearty and performing well are the results of eating healthy foods. Despite this known fact, most of us tend to relegate our food choices to others and throat in what is fashionable or easy fast food.

The initiative taken by healthy eating guide -
"Healthy eating guide", dedicated to the promotion of public health groups, made two conscious efforts to promote healthy eating habits among the population of New Zealand

- The first effort was to join Columbus Café, a coffee shop chain in New Zealand, who had come to the health food guide to help provide healthy foods. The general perception that fast food cafes offering is broken when they started to offer healthier options, which was well received by all its customers. Not only resulted in an increased ROI Columbus Café, but people also take healthy eating habits, even at the end of the day.

- The other important alliance by healthy eating guidance has resulted in a positive outcome in school-age children who have obtained a better insight foods they eat. They worked with "Let's Get Cooking with Parmco" to introduce students to the art of cooking and preparing food for themselves. The main objective of the program is to get children to understand some aspects regarding the food they eat, including their health aspects. Starting understand that at first, start eating healthy, otherwise it can lead to poor eating habits that lead to obesity and other health problems, to that extent, 'they get older.

"Let's Cook with Parmco" Agenda -

Healthy Food Guide in collaboration with Parmco promote healthy cooking fun way among the children of the school. Children participating in various challenges Brett McGregor, winner of MasterChef in their schools. They learn to cook delicious and healthy dishes. As children not only learn how to choose and cook healthy foods, but also instill a love of cooking, which could become a passion.

As the popular saying of Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The first wealth is health" early in life learning to eat healthy, helps us stay healthy throughout life.

These initiatives certainly help instill this habit early in life. Congratulations to the efforts!

Soda can lead kids to be aggressive

Soda has become an integral part of American culture. It is reported that the average American begins drinking soda 2-3 years. There is not enough research to suggest that soda is not good for your health and to add to this list is a research conducted at the University of Columbia, indicating that the drink could be made of violent children and too aggressive.

The Case
About 3,000 mother-child pairs in all major cities were followed from birth to 5 years and mothers self-reported consumption of soft drinks among young people. Based on assessments of consumer behavior and soft drinks provided by the mother, it has been observed that children who consume four or more servings of soda per day were twice as likely to be physically and verbally aggressive. In addition, it is alarming that children who consumed one or fewer servings of soda showed a linear increase in aggressive and violent behavior with increasing sodium intake.

 - Since the study is based on self-reporting, there is no way of knowing if the mothers are biased with the negative mentality usually associated with soda and therefore could not objectively discern changes in the behavior of your child.
In addition, the Columbia researchers were unable to identify the portion of soda in which violence and were able to start labeling their results with the categories of soft drinks, which obviously leaves conclusive study.

Course of action for children to learn and develop a taste for things that are available to them. As a parent, you need to set the right rules. Limit or avoid introducing your child soda. There is absolutely no benefit to the health of soda and your calorie intake is very empty.
Although "drinks Association has cited the report is not conclusive, there is a good connection between aggression and sodium intake. However epidemics such as obesity and accelerated aging are also associated with the consumption of soft drinks. Use caution and keep children away from soda.

5 foods you should avoid eating them. (with Photos)

When you are trying to get healthy and lose weight, there are certain foods you should avoid. Most of these food are obvious because they contain ingredients that are known to cause weight gain. There are some foods that are not as obvious and can be just as bad for you. These foods are a problem because most people do not know to avoid them and therefore consume them more often then they should. Here are 5 foods that you should never eat again.

  • White Bread

White bread is a staple in most pantries, but the truth is, it doesn’t have any nutritional value.
White bread contains a lot of sugar and doesn’t not have the ability to keep you satisfied.
Even breads that claim to be wheat could contain more sugar than grain an should be avoided.
Substitute your white bread for whole grain orwhole wheat bread when possible. You can also substitute bread on your sandwiches with lettuce leaves or whole grain tortillas.

  • Fried Foods

Most people know that fried foods are not healthy and should be avoided as much as possible.
The problem with fried foods is that many people only associated them with fast food restaurants and do not realize they also consume them at home.
Avoid frying any meal, consider baking orbroiling instead. Fried food are not nutritious and can cause your blood pressure and cholesterol  levels to raise. They can also cause you to pack on the pounds.

  •  Cream-based Salad Dressings

small  6269491788 5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again
Many people turn to salads when they are dieting and trying to eat healthy. Salads can be very nutritious and are often low in calories. Salads can be come unhealthy when they are covered in cream-based dressings.
These types of dressings contain a lot of fat and calories. In fact, there can be more calories in your salad dressing than in the rest of your entire salad.
Try oil-based salad dressings instead. Not only do they taste lighter, they have less calories and are better for you.

  • White Rice

small  73906443 5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again
Rice is a common ingredient to many recipes and is a popular side dish to many meals. Most people assume that rice is healthy, but the truth is, white rice can cause your body to store fat when it doesn’t need to. It also has no nutritional value.
Brown rice is the best option when it comes to rice because it is full of fiber, vitamins and nutrients. It will also keep you satisfied longer so you are less likes to overeat.

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

There is much debate about whether high fructose corn syrup is good or bad. It can quickly cause you to gain weight and even make you have cravings for more sugar and sugary foods. Overeating sugary foods and foods that are high in fructose corn syrup can even lead to diabetes and other health problems.
Avoid any processed sugars and opt for healthier dessert options such as fresh fruits andberries.

Avoiding these foods can help you lose weight and get on the right track to eating healthy. Don’t let these foods sneak onto your menu or into your recipes and make smart substitutions for them as often as possible. Your health and your weight will thank you.

Health benefits of pomegranate

 The Top Ten

  •  Antioxidants - These allow you to challenge the hordes of free radicals in the system. Free radicals have an odd number of electrons and like to keep the balance wheel of other molecules and cells in the body. These cells are often very important to take care of their DNA, and when they are destroyed, the stages of the disease in pomegranate juice is an excellent source of antioxidants that work to help keep the disease.

  •  Blood thinner - pomegranate juice helps blood circulation, making it easier for blood to travel to the heart, brain and the rest of his body.

  •  Cancer Fighter - Granada has been known to reduce and prevent the growth of cancer cells and tumors in your body.

  • Help Digestion - Pomegranate juice is a natural remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and many other digestive problems.

  • Anemia Relief - a high iron content, pomegranate juice is a home remedy for anemia because it promotes higher hemoglobin levels.

  • Anti-inflammatory - Pomegranate juice has properties that help treat people suffering from arthritis. It can also help cure a cough or sore throat.

  •  Newborn Care - It has been shown that pomegranate juice is ingested by pregnant women can help protect the neonatal brain.

  • Protection of the artery - Helps maintain the formation of plaque in the arteries.

  • Cartilage Protection - It works to prevent the deterioration of cartilage in the body.

  • Cholesterol Reducer - Pomegranate juice can reduce blood pressure can go up to 6% daily drinkers.

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The side effects of eating cakes

The popular dessert of all time is the cake. But are you aware of the dangers and side effects associated with it? Cakes can satisfy your taste buds and make you hope the latter, you should be aware that this rich dessert calories is perfectly capable of having devastating effects on your health that rise to diabetes and obesity, as well as other conditions that could affect the proper functioning of your body. Trail to learn about the various side effects caused by the consumption of this sweet pleasure.

The side effects of eating the cake:
The desserts are very rich in carbohydrates and fats, so that they can make you gain weight.
Cake sugars can increase their level of glucose in the blood and therefore can become diabetic for a long period.

Cake with chocolate and nuts are rich in serotonin, so it can make you feel excited and happy. Cakes psychological impact is undesirable because serotonin is stimulated by an external source.
Margarine or butter that is used in cakes can increase levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Marijuana (cannabis) in cakes psychoactive space can cause side effects, such as the lifting of mood, anxiety, excitement, etc.
Velvet cupcakes dyes used for coloring, they can cause digestive problems, and even they may be allergic to some people.
Some types of cakes and pastries lazy cause drowsiness, numbness, or weakness.

Dangerous types of cakes:
Space Cakes By-marijuana content
Lazy-Cakes for their ability to act as sedatives
Velvet Cake-dyes used in it.
Cakes-For colored dyes used in it.

10 things were expected and achieved by "Steve Jobs",

The technological and personal expectations, which were said by "Steve Jobs" were proved by the time, and he was right about it.
When a magazine Interviewed him after founding the company "Apple" in 1984, he spoke for a set of expectations that have been achieved on the ground, and which confirms that he is genius.

  • "Jobs" was the young man who was certain and his team  that they are doing something that would have a great impact in the future, the computers were not yet widespread.

  •   "Jobs" said also that the computer is the most important tool in the future and must be spread among the millions of people in order to use them, which was achieved in less than a decade.

  • Jobes said that the computer would be something necessary in every house, another statement said by Jobs" in 1985, to be achieved fully.

  •  "Jobs" also predicted the proliferation of the Internet and said that it would be the first reason behind the purchase of the computer in the future.

  •  He also said that he will produce computers the size of a small book which check with tablet devices.

  • in the years of his youth he expected his company to produce other communication devices beside the computers in a highly-developed technology, and that is what happened with "iPhone" products and "Apple" other, which is the best in the world of technology.

  • "Jobs" stated  that the computer in his generation and after his generation, is working as a servant to the requirements of humanity, it is used in the preparation of tables and other things, but the intelligence of computers will progress to expect human needs and tasks more , such as the protection of holdings or  informations and other tasks.

  • "when my stock shares gets improved and steps up on a certain limit, my computer will contact taxes centre to ask them to sell the stock," . The task that has been expected by Jobs to be made by the computer, it has already been made.

  •  One of the tasks that carry "Jobs" on his shoulder and decided to be carried out is to turn the "Apple" into a big company which he definetly achieved , He expected "Apple" to become the  company worth billions of dollars.

  •  He is known since his youth that he will continue to be linked with the "Apple" which has stated so in the eighties of the last century, which has been achieved so untill his death 2 years ago.

Read it !! ( It's something you must know about the effects of eating chicken)

Put in your mind the side effects of chicken while relishing in different preparations. Though it is considered a healthy food but certain negative effects of Chicken have been reported. Knowing about its ill effects will help us in avoiding the health risks associated with chicken intake. So, read further to know about dangers of Chicken that can affect your health.

Salmonella Infection Due To Chicken

One can get infected with Salmonella by eating undercooked Chicken. The germs of Salmonella are the source of many infections which adversely affects the body. Salmonella infection is also one the major side effects of Chicken, if it is eaten raw.

Decreased Response Of The Body To Various Drugs

Chicken is raised in adverse conditions and because of its ever increasing demand; various antibiotics are injected into it to keep it alive. All these are done to increase the production of Chicken at low cost. But the adverse side of this treatment has to be faced by the individuals who consume Chicken. The antibiotics injected into Chicken get deposited in the body of individuals who eat such Chicken. Later, on their body gets less effective to many drugs, as antibiotics present in them promotes the development of drug resistant bacteria.

Susceptibility To Avian Flu

One gets more susceptible to Avian Flu virus if Chicken forms an important item in the daily meal. It has been reported by Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization that eating undercooked Chicken or foods prepared along with infected Chicken can easily transmit the Avian Flu virus among Chicken eating populations.  

Cardiovascular Disorders

Cardiovascular disorders are one of the common dangers of Chicken. Chicken flesh is packed with cholesterol which is not good for health. It has been reported that 3 ounce skinless Chicken and beef have equal amount of cholesterol content. With this data we can imagine what can be the effect of Chicken on the heart and arteries. Chicken, if eaten in controlled quantity is not harmful to heart but it’s over consumption often blocks the arteries and leads to heart diseases.

Food Borne Illness

Food borne illnesses are one of the common side effects of Chicken consumption as most of the Chicken sold for consumption is infected with virus and bacteria. Chickens are raised in factory under unhealthy conditions. They are confined to crowded cages and are injected with several injections for over growth. In such conditions, they get infected with various virus and bacteria which gets transmitted to people consuming them.

These were the major side effects of Chicken which if not taken seriously can cause serious harm to the body.

Is it enough to remove the bad part of the fruit or through it all away?

You Must through the whole fruit away when a part of is as showed in the picture. You cannot get rid of the bad part only and eat the rest of the fruit, because the bacteria have spread over the entire fruit from abroad as a result of infection from other fruits, even if it seemed a good appearance and fit for consumption after cutting the damaged part.