There are about 1.2 billion smokers in the world who are addicted to smoking (about one third of the global population aged 15 or more). Two. Nearly forty percent (39.4%) of Europeans smoke (over 1995, while the figure of 33.9% recorded.)
At least 4.5 billion cigarettes end [non-biodegradable] filter occur every year somewhere in the world.
China, USA, Brazil, Turkey and Indonesia are the five countries that produce smoking snuff leaves more raw and manufactured cigarettes.
Malawi, Korea, Macedonia, Moldova, Lebanon and spend more than 1% of its agricultural land for the production of smoking snuff leaves.
In Africa, approximately 5% of all deforestation is caused by smoking snuff. In Malawi, where the ancient dry plateau miombo forest are particularly at risk, the snuff is 20% of deforestation.
Each year, nearly 600 million trees are destroyed to provide fuel to dry snuff. Stated otherwise destroys a tree 300 cigarettes.
In general, smoking snuff curing requires 11.4 million tons of solid wood annually.
The snuff is a sensitive plant prone to many diseases. It therefore requires large smoking chemical inputs: we recommend a maximum of 16 applications of pesticides during a growth period of three months. Aldrin and dieldrin and DDT are some of the chemicals used. Methyl bromide is widely used as a fumigant in developing countries, contributes significantly to the reduction of the ozone layer.
Besides smoking being dangerous to users, the chemicals can flow into rivers, pollution of local waters supplies.2 There is also concern about the high levels of pesticides that lead to development of resistance in mosquitoes and flies, which makes the control of diseases such as malaria more difficult.
The snuff is especially potassium starvation, absorb up to six times more than other crops, leaving the rough terrain of staple foods and cash crops.
Use modern cigarette manufacturing machinery over six kilometers of paper per hour.
In 1995, the industry worldwide snuff products 2.26 billion kg of solid waste and 209 million kilograms of chemical waste.
The environmental releases of National Inventory of toxic smoking chemical emissions from industry in the manufacture of snuff in the United States reported for 1996 include (but are not limited to):
Ammonia 946.155 kg
407,371 kg hydrochloric acid
Methyl ethyl ketone 340 821 kg
Nicotine salts and nicotine 900,377 kg (main smoking content)
67,228 kg sulfuric acid
Toluene 349.622 kg
"I used to get sicker than a dog with fever because of smoking, skin burns and nausea, if I was not careful with the chemicals that are sprayed on snuff," said Askins [snuff a farmer Appalachians.] Products chemicals may have affected the environment. "No frogs or toads hear more, because we've poisoned our rivers and streams with chemicals," he speculates. It also describes the symptoms of nicotine poisoning when handling the plant matures snuff: sudden nausea, dizziness, headache.
The snuff is the second leading cause of death worldwide.
Smoking is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year). If current trends continue, it will cause some 10 million deaths annually by 2020. Half the people that smoke today is about 650 million people will die from the snuff.
Cigarette smoke contains polonium 210, a radioactive element.
A study shows that a person who smokes 20 cigarettes per day receives a dose of radiation each year equivalent to 200 chest radiographs.
In 1999, medical costs associated with snuff and the cost of a cigarette lost productivity in the United States more than 150 billion to about 1.5 times the turnover of the five largest multinational snuff this year. 11
A Finnish smoking study consumer reaction to a possible "eco-cigarette", found that eliminating plastic packaging outer paper, aluminum foil lining and bleached paper using unbleached or oxygen to the box and / or cigarettes instead of chlorine bleach probably acceptable habit for smokers.
The smoking snuff and poverty are inextricably linked. Numerous studies about smoking have shown that in the poorest households in some low-income countries to 10% of total household expenditure is the snuff. This means that these families have less money to spend on basic necessities such as food, education and health.
... and saving the best (and rare good news) to the end:
Mullins said that if he won about $ 2,500 of his best snuff acre of last season, cleared about $ 20,000 per acre near organic grape tomatoes. The comment from an Appalachian snuff grower transition their land for organic vegetable production. (smoking)
NB: and Yeh, we know that smoking probably does not use one of these 4.5 billion of filters discarded every year.