Have you ever noticed how easy it is for people to be happy, happy, and positive when things do not go well? When there have no major problems about mood, and people feel good, life is great! In those times, it is easy to be in a good mood. But, it can be in a good mood when things are not going well?Generally, when things are going well and there are no problems on the spot, and most people find it easy to be positive. As a result, they are in a good mood, and have a good day.(For some people, it really does not matter if they face on a daily basis, good or bad day, it is still convinced that a good thing even if it is what is happening now, it certainly will not last, and I honestly do not understand how someone can be for this line of thinking of ever be in a good mood.)But, what about those times when the problem comes from? What happens when there is something unpleasant arises? It's not very easy to remain positive ... or is it?No one wants to be a problem going out, no matter how small. However, the adverse conditions and unpleasant is going to happen from time to time. This is just a part of life. Tires wear out, and get clogged gutters, and sometimes people just do stupid things!When there is a negative thing does not come, most people change from being happy and positive to being upset. I've changed circumstances and situations, and therefore change their mood. For some people, it can be even the slightest bump in the road really set them off emotionally!Our emotions and our feelings are a direct product of our thoughts. We are the ones who choose our thoughts. We can not always choose what happens in life, but we can always choose what we think.I'm not saying that we should try to live to make the world believe ourselves by saying comprehensive data such as, "There is nothing wrong, everything is fine." Certainly we need to assess the situation for a positive response with a specific statement.Why? With a positive response? Yes, and respond with a positive statement. Solution-oriented statement. (Perhaps even respond with two or three positive statements!)Suppose you come home from the grocery store to find that your eggs are broken, because of the way it was packaged in a bag your groceries at the store. What is your reaction?You could get angry. You could say, "Now I've got to go all the way back to the store, why not teach these young children how to do it right? I knew he had a lousy attitude ... it's probably not intentionally. I'm going to speak with the manager! "Hey! Chill out! This may seem like a silly illustration, but when I was a teenager I used to work in a grocery store, and put the items in grocery bags, and believe me, I've seen much worse reactions!You can respond with a positive statement about this situation? Sure! Why do not you?"Well, I just take this back now, and I'm wondering, is there anything else I need while I'm out? I'm certainly glad that there are a lot of eggs in the store, in fact, I'm glad to have a lot of that right food available in the street. "Here's the point. Determine our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Then follow our business. This kind of mood you are in right now is not someone else's fault, it is the result of your decision to think in the way that you're thinking.An attempt to assess your reactions to a few days. Take note especially how to deal with something unpleasant. Celebration where your mind goes, and watched how emotions and feelings correspond.Therein lies the challenge. Starting from small things, like a couple of broken eggs, you can begin to train your mind to react differently in unpleasant situations and negative. If you stay consistent, you can get to the point that even in the midst of a very serious negative situation, and will still be in control of your mind, emotions, and more importantly, your actions.Many people allow their current circumstances and conditions to determine their thoughts, emotions and actions. They do not realize that they can change the way you interact. Train your mind to respond the way you want. Learn to live your life being in control of your thoughts, emotions and actions.