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Showing posts with label unhealthy foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unhealthy foods. Show all posts

5 foods you should avoid eating them. (with Photos)

When you are trying to get healthy and lose weight, there are certain foods you should avoid. Most of these food are obvious because they contain ingredients that are known to cause weight gain. There are some foods that are not as obvious and can be just as bad for you. These foods are a problem because most people do not know to avoid them and therefore consume them more often then they should. Here are 5 foods that you should never eat again.

  • White Bread

White bread is a staple in most pantries, but the truth is, it doesn’t have any nutritional value.
White bread contains a lot of sugar and doesn’t not have the ability to keep you satisfied.
Even breads that claim to be wheat could contain more sugar than grain an should be avoided.
Substitute your white bread for whole grain orwhole wheat bread when possible. You can also substitute bread on your sandwiches with lettuce leaves or whole grain tortillas.

  • Fried Foods

Most people know that fried foods are not healthy and should be avoided as much as possible.
The problem with fried foods is that many people only associated them with fast food restaurants and do not realize they also consume them at home.
Avoid frying any meal, consider baking orbroiling instead. Fried food are not nutritious and can cause your blood pressure and cholesterol  levels to raise. They can also cause you to pack on the pounds.

  •  Cream-based Salad Dressings

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Many people turn to salads when they are dieting and trying to eat healthy. Salads can be very nutritious and are often low in calories. Salads can be come unhealthy when they are covered in cream-based dressings.
These types of dressings contain a lot of fat and calories. In fact, there can be more calories in your salad dressing than in the rest of your entire salad.
Try oil-based salad dressings instead. Not only do they taste lighter, they have less calories and are better for you.

  • White Rice

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Rice is a common ingredient to many recipes and is a popular side dish to many meals. Most people assume that rice is healthy, but the truth is, white rice can cause your body to store fat when it doesn’t need to. It also has no nutritional value.
Brown rice is the best option when it comes to rice because it is full of fiber, vitamins and nutrients. It will also keep you satisfied longer so you are less likes to overeat.

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

There is much debate about whether high fructose corn syrup is good or bad. It can quickly cause you to gain weight and even make you have cravings for more sugar and sugary foods. Overeating sugary foods and foods that are high in fructose corn syrup can even lead to diabetes and other health problems.
Avoid any processed sugars and opt for healthier dessert options such as fresh fruits andberries.

Avoiding these foods can help you lose weight and get on the right track to eating healthy. Don’t let these foods sneak onto your menu or into your recipes and make smart substitutions for them as often as possible. Your health and your weight will thank you.