14 things you didn't know about strawberries

There is nothing like the first detection of the sweet season ripe strawberries in your local farmer's market. This year, the warm weather arrives slowly in some parts of the country...

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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

14 things you didn't know about Strawberries !!

There is nothing like the first detection of the sweet season ripe strawberries in your local farmer's market. This year, the warm weather arrives slowly in some parts of the country, which means that strawberries might still be green. But the color should not stop you buying: Strawberries are green hot pie. Chefs use fresh, ripe strawberries and vinegar in everything from salads, cakes. If you prefer your red and juicy fruit, it is likely that in the majority. However, you like them, we bet strawberry knowledge has not been run this deep - to date:

  1. Strawberries are the only fruit that carry their seeds on the outside. The average Bay is decorated with about 200 of them. No wonder it only takes one bite to get seeds stuck in your teeth.
  2. Strawberries are not real fruit such as blueberries or grapes. Technically, a bay is within its seeds. And to be technical über each strawberry seed is considered by botanists as a separate fruit. Whoa, meta!
  3. Strawberries are members of the Rosaceae family. In case you come to a bush growth, see: smell as good as they taste.
  4. Strawberry is a perennial. This means that if you plant now, will be back next year and the next and the year after. You can not bear fruit immediately, but once you do, it will remain productive for about five years.
  5. Americans consume an average of three books-and-a-half of fresh strawberries each year. It is about five pounds if you count frozen. In one study, more than half of the nine-year-old picked strawberries as their favorite fruit. They are gentle in nature!
  6. Belgium has a museum dedicated to strawberries. In the gift shop at the Museum of Strawberry (Strawberry Museum), you can buy everything from strawberry jam to strawberry beer.
  7. Native Americans ate strawberries long before European settlers arrived. As a first result of the spring, which were delicious, freshly picked and cooked cornbread.
  8. The Romans thought strawberries medicinal properties. They use it to treat everything from depression to fever fainting, kidney stones, bad breath and sore throat
  9. Sex and strawberries? In France, where it is considered an aphrodisiac, strawberries served to newlyweds in the traditional wedding breakfast sweet soup as creamy.
  10. Strawberries are supposed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins C, B6, K, fiber, folic acid, potassium and amino acids.
  11. Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate. This has been shown to increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. Research suggests that people who charge on strawberries before exercise have more resistance and burn more calories.
  12. California produces 80% of the strawberries in the U.S. They grow about 2 million pounds of fruit in the shape of heart a year. All U.S. states and every province in Canada grows your account.
  13. To store fresh strawberries, wash and cut the stem off. However, if you keep in the refrigerator for a few days to wait before eating clean. Rinse accelerates deterioration.
  14. Strawberries also be pickled. Especially when picked green or immature. If the fruits are ripe, make jam!
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A funny way to stay healthy

We all know that eating well is a sure shot way to stay healthy, but how many of us actually follow this? Feeling strong, feeling healthy, hearty and performing well are the results of eating healthy foods. Despite this known fact, most of us tend to relegate our food choices to others and throat in what is fashionable or easy fast food.

The initiative taken by healthy eating guide -
"Healthy eating guide", dedicated to the promotion of public health groups, made two conscious efforts to promote healthy eating habits among the population of New Zealand

- The first effort was to join Columbus Café, a coffee shop chain in New Zealand, who had come to the health food guide to help provide healthy foods. The general perception that fast food cafes offering is broken when they started to offer healthier options, which was well received by all its customers. Not only resulted in an increased ROI Columbus Café, but people also take healthy eating habits, even at the end of the day.

- The other important alliance by healthy eating guidance has resulted in a positive outcome in school-age children who have obtained a better insight foods they eat. They worked with "Let's Get Cooking with Parmco" to introduce students to the art of cooking and preparing food for themselves. The main objective of the program is to get children to understand some aspects regarding the food they eat, including their health aspects. Starting understand that at first, start eating healthy, otherwise it can lead to poor eating habits that lead to obesity and other health problems, to that extent, 'they get older.

"Let's Cook with Parmco" Agenda -

Healthy Food Guide in collaboration with Parmco promote healthy cooking fun way among the children of the school. Children participating in various challenges Brett McGregor, winner of MasterChef in their schools. They learn to cook delicious and healthy dishes. As children not only learn how to choose and cook healthy foods, but also instill a love of cooking, which could become a passion.

As the popular saying of Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The first wealth is health" early in life learning to eat healthy, helps us stay healthy throughout life.

These initiatives certainly help instill this habit early in life. Congratulations to the efforts!

How to be in a good health :

Know What Your Health Plan Covers and Does Not Cover

Ask your health plan or your employer for a copy of your Evidence of Coverage. This explains your benefits and rights and how your plan works. Call your health plan if you have any questions about your Evidence of Coverage. The customer or member services phone number is on your Membership Card.

Choose a Primary Care Doctor

Your primary care doctor gives you your basic care and oversees all your treatments and referrals. Ask your plan for a list of primary care doctors. If you want a doctor who speaks a language other than English, ask for a list of doctors who speak your language.

Tell Your Doctor All Your Health Concerns

Try to give your doctor as much information as you can about your health. Ask questions if you are not clear about your health problem or treatment plan.

Know How to Get a Referral and Prior Approval

You usually need a referral and prior approval when you need to see a specialist, such as a heart specialist (cardiologist) or a skin doctor (dermatologist), or you need a test such as an MRI or CAT Scan. Sometimes this is called an "authorization."

Keep Your Membership Card Handy

You need to show your Membership Card to get services. Your customer or member services phone number is on the card. You can call this number any time you have questions about your plan.

Keep Records

  • Keep records of your health care benefits and treatments in one place.
  • Keep a list of your appointments.
  • Keep records of bills or payment notices from your health plan or providers.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Health plans offer many services to help you stay well, like health education classes, weight management programs, and regular check-ups. Some plans may offer programs to help you quit smoking. Use these Preventive Care services. Ask your doctor for more information.

Speak Up for Yourself

The best way to make sure you get good health care is to be your own advocate. Ask for what you need.