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Showing posts with label Fittness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fittness. Show all posts

How to get an athletic body

The accumulation of lipids in the central region and around the buttocks, one of the most physical health problems that affect girls and women and also men, and have a negative impact on their appearance and Rchaguethen. This is the problem of the problems caused by the lack of human self-confidence, and usually arise due to lifestyle, behavior or because of the wrong food.

The excessive intake of foods with high calories than the body needs, as well as the immortality of comfort and laziness, and lack of physical activity and sports, it all leads to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, and thus lead to the emergence of the abdomen, and the accumulation of fat around the buttocks. It is known that the body's muscles are all tied to the bones except the abdominal muscles, making them weak and expandable than others.

Valuable tips:

In order to get rid of the excessive size of the belly, and return to normal for the strength of the most beautiful and more slender, here are some guidelines and exercise so special:

- Organization of diets with reduced intake of fat and carbohydrates and sugars.
- Customize the time of day to practice walking, they sport can bring a lot of positive results to the health of the body and recover.

- Do not sleep and your stomach is full where this leads to the occurrence of the Bulge, eat dinner early and be sure to be low-fat.

- Drink as much as possible:

Try not to leave out of your hand a bottle of mineral water
In the office in your car in the bag in your room and also in every room of the house rooms, if possible. Then you may have a reaction to drinking water in case of feeling hungry or when you feel bored, it is often better than that attack to cut sugar

- Every grain of fruit:

Mark always in your possession or your desk drawer one fruit (apple or an orange or a more complex in taste) for Tahedoh of your hungry  sense and fructose food inside them Ichbonk continuous manner for some time.

- Learn healthy choices

It does not matter to eat 3 meals a day or five, it is important to know what to choose, focused on the category of fruits and vegetables, reduced carbohydrate and protein. Try to read the label food on everything you eat, moderation and balance is the perfect solution for a healthy food and perfect, calculate the calories you eat in a day, and then write off some of the material to get fewer calories, and so on until you reach the amount of reasonable prices and moderate.

- Eat 5 meals a day:

Not what we recommend a burden that you eat two meals snacks rather than one meal per day and even if you have the table and you feel hungry a little bit, you'll know that within two hours of the time you'll get a packet milk and grain apple with some infusion (drink). Within an hour of the time you can re-drinking and the delay between the main meals appear to be shorter and this does not expose the diet being done to failure.

- Drying of the body:
Drying the body a soft towel after a shower down from top to bottom to toe with careful not to bend your knees, with benefit of this exercise to give the body the required agility, especially if repeated in the morning and evening.

- Elevator Supply:
Avoid using the elevator to climb stairs, whether at home or the workplace, it is better to climb on the outskirts of the feet to improve the performance of the internal body.

- Avoid sitting for long hours:
Avoid sitting for long hours in the workplace and care to do and wander in the corridors whenever given the opportunity to do so and that was the best every half hour, but that does not mean that every two hours does not help Any exercise benefit

The impact of sport on our health

The physical exercise is one of the most important actions that you can do in order to enjoy good health and maintain it, which is no less important than a healthy diet or taking enough sleep, and seems to start practicing sport difficult at first to order, but you will find that it becomes easier With the passage of time. Start actions that make you move, the rise of the stairs, walking or playing with defamatory children work home garden are all useful work, so try to move.
The benefits of regular physical activity
  Help in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight:
       - Coordination of the risk of overweight and obesity.
       - Helps to reduce weight.
Reduces morbidity and improves health:
       - Reduces the risk of Alasabhbalnoa II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis and some types of cancer (such as breast cancer and cancer of the colon and rectum).
       - Strengthens the heart muscle and improves blood flow and improves the ability of the work of the heart.
       - Improves respiratory function.
       - Helps in the prevention and mitigation of the problem of constipation.
       - Strengthens the immune system.
Prevent back problems, muscle and joints:
       - Builds muscles, bones and joints healthy and keeps them.
       - Relieves back pain.
       - Assists in control بالتورم and pain caused by arthritis.
       - Increases body strength and flexibility, improve balance and help prevent falls.
       - Helps correct textures.
Improves mental health:
       - Improves mental functions including alertness, concentration and memory.
       - Helps control stress.
       - Reduces the incidence of depression and anxiety. Contributes to the promotion of self-esteem and improve the external appearance of the body.
Other benefits:
      - Increases energy and improves sleep.
      - Supports attempts to quit smoking.
      - Improves productivity and reduces days of sick leave and work-related accidents.
      - Helps children to develop and improve basic motor skills.
      - Helps children and adolescents to pay attention to exercise a lifetime sport.
      - Improves athletic skills.
Enjoy life
Physical activity increases the chances to enjoy a healthier and more independent as we age. In order to make physical activity a part of your life, try to exercise whenever you get the chance, even through your normal daily activities. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator, go to work, school or anywhere else walk as much as possible.
And always remember that a healthy mind .. In a healthy body.